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[trx_sc_promo title_style=”default” image_cover=”” image_position=”left” size=”normal” full_height=”” text_paddings=”1″ title=”{{To Know}} About The Saga” subtitle=”what you need” description=”Nobody in history has ever reached every country in the World completely without flying 😉
I am travelling to EVERY country in the world WITHOUT flight! adventures throughout the World. A surface journey to a total of 203 countries which is estimated to end in 2020. The adventure started on October 10th 2013 at 10:10am. 10/10 at 10:10am! Read much much more in ‘about’ or check out the adventures of the ‘blog’. You are also welcome to join the Sagas social media:” link=”http://www.onceuponasaga.dk/” link_text=”Visit the SAGA Official Blog”]
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